June 13, 2022

Change Your Mindset Around Failure

The road to success is not going to be smooth, we know that so much that saying so has become a cliché.

There are going to be setbacks along the way. But what most people do not quite realize is that how you deal with setbacks often is the difference between reaching your goals and staying in one place.

Failures and setbacks are part of life. No one is perfect, therefore we will all make mistakes. If you listen to any world-class athlete, they often talk about how failures, setbacks, and defeats drove them and inspired them to reach new heights.

Failure is part of the stories that we share. We often celebrate failures in others without even realizing it. Look at one of my favorite films of all time, Rocky. Yes, it’s fiction, but we love to watch Rocky Balboa fight because he does not let failures get the best of him, in fact, it’s the opposite, failures are what drive him.

If all Rocky ever did was kick-ass, no one would give a damn about those movies. We love Rocky because he gets up whenever he gets knocked down. In the first movie, he actually loses the fight, it ends with a split decision and his foe Apollo Creed retaining the championship belt. We all remember Rocky as the champ, but he actually loses the big fight at the end of the movie! By the end of that movie, in our mind’s eye, he is the champ because we know him well enough at that point to know that he isn’t going to be down for long.

I have had many failures and setbacks in my life, and I do not regret any of them to this day. Now I may regret the pain that my addictions caused my family, but I do not regret my failures. They are what brought me to this place and made me what I am today.

When I work with people like you to help you achieve your goals, one of the most important things I can help you understand is not to fear failure. Failures need to be addressed and improved upon of course, but failures are the bricks that we will use to build your castle of success.

If you are reading this, one way that you can improve your life situation right now is to change your mindset around failure. Think of the failures you have had in the past. Big failures and small failures. Maybe you’ve been divorced, lost a business, had a financial setback, or anything else, big or small.

Now think of what you learned from that experience. How has it made you a better, stronger, or smarter person? You have probably learned a lot and grown a lot from your failures, so when you reframe your thinking around it, your failures become growth.

I know from experience how to use these life setbacks to grow and succeed. They are like your homework assignments, they tell you precisely what you need to work on, and as long as you keep working on them, you will keep improving. We will play the long game, always striving to get better and better and getting up after every time we fall.

Are you ready to change your life? Contact me today.

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